If you have received notification from Growth Solutions, your electric utility company has contracted with us to apply a growth regulator to one or more trees on your property at no cost to you. Below are Frequently Asked Questions about how our service works and is a benefit to you and your tree.
If you have questions related to pruning or your utility services in general, please contact your utility directly. If your question is not here, or you would like to speak with us – you can email us at [email protected] or call one of our arborists at 1-855-922-3810. We are here to serve you.
How do I have my tree(s) included in this program?
To have your tree included no additional action is needed. Within the next few weeks, we will treat trees near the power lines. We will knock on your door as a courtesy before applying the treatment.
When will my tree(s) be treated?
Your tree(s) will generally be treated 2-3 weeks after your door card notification was left.
How will my tree(s) be treated?
This is not applied by spray. Trees are treated by soil injection, 4 to 6 inches beneath the ground, at the base of the tree. The product binds to soil particles and has limited mobility in all soil types.
What is the cost?
There is no cost to you associated with this service. This service is part of your utility’s vegetation management program.
How does the product work?
- Paclobutrazol is a proven tree growth management product that has been used by tree care professionals, utilities, universities, and agriculture for decades. It slows tree growth, thereby decreasing the amount of pruning needed. It also enhances the health and appearance of the tree.
- Paclobutrazol is the ideal tool for utility companies and their customers to improve how Right-Of-Way trees are managed in the urban forest.
Does this product harm my tree?
No, when properly applied by a tree care professional in accordance to the label, there are many documented tree benefits of paclobutrazol. The first response to treatment is commonly darker green leaves due to an increase in chlorophyll production. Over time your trees will become healthier and you will notice less growth resulting in a more compact tree. An additional benefit to you is less frequent pruning for the treated trees.
Is paclobutrazol safe for people, pets, and wildlife?
There are no reported cases of adverse effects on people, pets, or wildlife. Paclobutrazol has an EPA Caution label. Research shows that there is minimal risk to people, pets, and wildlife when applied according to the label by licensed professionals. The effects of paclobutrazol are highly specific to processes found in plants.
Will surrounding vegetation be affected?
The growth of surrounding grass, shrubs, flowers, and other vegetation may be slowed if the roots of these plants are growing in the area we treated near the base of the tree.
What is the effect of paclobutrazol on groundwater?
Paclobutrazol has undergone extensive testing required by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and state agencies. Paclobutrazol has been shown to have limited mobility in all soil types, which means minimal leaching potential.
Can I opt-out of treatment?
Yes, the use of TGR’s on your property is completely voluntary. Contact us if you wish to do so. We also have experts available to answer any questions.
How long does treatment last?
Re-application is generally recommended approximately every two – three years. Beneficial effects on some tree species may last longer.
Can I use treated tree leaves for mulch?
Yes, leaves from treated trees can be used as mulch, bagged for disposal, or composted.
Why did you apply this to some of my trees and not all of them?
Our product is effective on about 80% to 85% of the species in any given geographic area. We did not treat the tree species where it does not work.
Can I have paclobutrazol applied to other trees on my property?
You will need to contact your local arborist company. Contact us at [email protected] for names of local companies who utilize growth regulators as a part of their tree health program.
Will the use of paclobutrazol replace trimming?
The use of paclobutrazol has proven to reduce the frequency of pruning but does not replace it.
Application of Paclobutrazol to Mitigate Environmental Stress of Urban Street Trees
Tree root system enhancement with Paclobutrazol
Paclobutrazol Review Conducted by MDAR and MassDEP for Use in Sensitive Areas of Rights-of-Way in Massachusetts